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Patent Registration

Introduction to Patent Registration in India

Patent registration in India is a critical step for inventors and businesses to secure their unique inventions. This process ensures that innovators can protect their intellectual property and gain exclusive rights to their creations. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential aspects of patent registration in India, including its benefits, the procedure, and key steps to remember.

What is a Patent?

A patent is a legal document granted by the government that gives an inventor exclusive rights to make, use, and sell their invention for a specified period, usually 20 years from the date of filing. In return, the inventor must publicly disclose the details of the invention.

Benefits of Patent Registration in India

  • Exclusive Rights: A patent grants you the exclusive right to use, manufacture, and sell your invention, preventing others from exploiting it without your permission.
  • Competitive Advantage: Patents provide a competitive edge by protecting your unique innovations from competitors.
  • Monetization: Patents can be licensed or sold, providing a potential revenue stream.
  • Credibility: Owning a patent enhances your reputation and credibility in the industry.
  • Investment Attraction: Patents can attract investors by showcasing your commitment to innovation and intellectual property protection.

Disadvantages of Patent Registration in India

  • Cost: The patent registration process can be expensive, including filing fees, attorney fees, and maintenance fees.
  • Disclosure: Patenting requires public disclosure of your invention, which could potentially be used by others after the patent expires.
  • Time-Consuming: The patent process can be lengthy, often taking several years to complete.

Procedure for Patent Registration in India

Step 1: Prepare a Detailed Description

Prepare a comprehensive description of your invention, including how it works and its unique features. This document should clearly explain the purpose, process, and potential applications of your invention.

Step 2: Conduct a Patent Search

Perform a thorough patent search to ensure your invention is novel and does not infringe on existing patents. This step is crucial to avoid legal issues and ensure the uniqueness of your invention.

Step 3: Complete the Patent Application Form

Download and complete the official patent application form available on the Indian Patent Office website. Provide all necessary details, including the description, claims, drawings, and abstract.

Step 4: Submit the Application and Fees

Submit your completed application along with the prescribed fees. The fees vary depending on the type of applicant (individual, small entity, or others).

Step 5: Formal Examination

The Indian Patent Office will conduct a formal examination to check for compliance with the necessary requirements. This includes verifying the novelty, non-obviousness, and industrial applicability of your invention.

Step 6: Publication

After the formal examination, the patent application is published in the Indian Patent Office Journal. This makes the details of your invention publicly available.

Step 7: Opposition Period

The application is open for public opposition for a period of 12 months from the date of publication. During this time, any third party can oppose the grant of the patent.

Step 8: Grant of Patent

If no opposition is filed, or if the opposition is successfully overcome, the patent is granted, and the invention is protected for 20 years from the date of filing.

Step 9: Maintenance

Once the patent is granted, the patent holder must pay annual renewal fees to keep the patent in force.

Key Steps to Remember for Patent Registration in India

  • Ensure your invention is novel, non-obvious, and industrially applicable.
  • Conduct a thorough patent search.
  • Prepare a detailed and clear description of your invention.
  • Complete and submit the patent application form accurately.
  • Pay the prescribed fees and maintain the patent by paying annual renewal fees.

Eligibility Criteria for Patent Registration in India

To be eligible for patent registration in India, your invention must meet the following criteria:

  • Novelty: The invention must be new and not previously disclosed to the public.
  • Inventive Step: The invention must involve an inventive step that is not obvious to someone skilled in the field.
  • Industrial Applicability: The invention must be capable of being used in an industry.

Contact Information for Bharat Filing Point

Welcome to Bharat Filing Point! We are your one-stop solution for all your business setup and registration needs in India. At Bharat Filing Point, we understand the complexities of starting and running a business in India. That’s why we are dedicated to providing hassle-free and efficient services to help you navigate through the various legal requirements and regulations.

Do you have questions about how we can help your company?

Send us an email, and we’ll get in touch shortly.




Registering a patent in India is a crucial step for protecting your innovative ideas and gaining a competitive edge in the market. By following the outlined procedure and ensuring compliance with the necessary requirements, you can successfully secure a patent for your invention. For personalized guidance and assistance, consider reaching out to Bharat Filing Point, your reliable partner in business registration and compliance.

Ready to secure your invention? Visit Bharat Filing Point today!

Trademark vs Patent vs Copyright

What’s protected Any word, phrase, symbol or design that recognizes and differentiates the source of one party's goods from those of another. Inventions, such as procedure, manufacturer, composition, machines of matter as well as improvements to these. Books, articles, music, photography, sculptures, dances, sound recordings, motion films and other original works of authorship.
Requirements for protection A mark must be distinguishable, in the sense that it must be able to identify the source of a certain good. A fresh, valuable, and unusual invention is required. A work must be unique, original, and created in a tangible manner.
Term of protection As long as the mark is used in commerce. 20 years Author’s life span+ 70 years.
Rights Granted Right to use the mark and to prohibit others from using identical marks in a way that could create confusion about the goods or services' origin. Right to restrict others from manufacturing, selling, or importing the patented invention. Copyrighted works have the power to dictate their reproduction, creative works, circulation, public performance, and display.

Documents Required for Patent Registration in India

To register a patent in India, the following documents are required:

  1. Application Form: A duly filled and signed patent application form (Form 1) is required, providing details such as the applicant’s name, address, and contact information.
  2. Provisional/Complete Specification: A patent specification document (Form 2) is required, describing the invention in detail, including its technical aspects, working examples, and any drawings or diagrams.
  3. Abstract of the Invention: A brief summary of the invention, highlighting its key features and benefits.
  4. Power of Attorney: A power of attorney (Form 26) is required if the patent application is being filed through a patent agent or attorney.
  5. Priority Document: If the application is based on a previous patent application filed abroad or under the Paris Convention, a priority document must be submitted.
  6. Declaration as to Inventorship: A declaration as to inventorship (Form 5) is required for applications with complete specifications or convention applications.
  7. Proof of Right to File Application: Proof of the inventor’s right to file the application, such as an endorsement at the end of the application or a separate agreement attached to the patent application.
  8. Request for Examination: A request for examination of the application for patent (Form 18) is required.
  9. Request for Publication: An optional request for publication (Form 9) if express publication is required.
  10. Fees: The requisite statutory fees must be paid through a cheque, demand draft, or online payment.
  11. Proof of Payment: A proof of payment of the requisite fees, such as a receipt or payment confirmation.

It is essential to ensure that all documents are complete and accurate, as incomplete or incorrect information may lead to delays or rejection of the application. It is advisable to consult with a patent attorney or expert to ensure that all documentation is accurate and complete to avoid any legal complications during the patent registration process.

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Patent Registration FAQ’s

What is a Patent?

A patent is a legal document granting exclusive rights to inventors to protect their innovations, preventing others from using, selling, or making the invention without permission.

What is Patent Registration?

Patent Registration is the formal process of obtaining exclusive rights for an invention, whether it’s a product, service, or technology, giving the inventor control over their creation for a certain period.

What can be patented in India?

In India, patents can be granted for products, processes or methods, machines, manufactured goods, chemical formulations, biotechnological inventions, and certain software and digital innovations.

What cannot be patented?

Non-patentable items include inventions against natural laws, harmful to life or environment, basic scientific principles, natural substances, obvious inventions, and items specifically excluded by the Patent Act of 1970.

Why is Patent Registration important?

Patent Registration provides legal protection, enables licensing or selling, offers 20 years of protection, gives a competitive edge, and turns an idea into a tangible asset.

How long is a patent valid in India?

A registered patent in India is valid for 20 years from the filing date of the application.