Trademark Registration

Revive and Thrive: How to Renew Your Trademark in India

Discover the secrets to renewing your trademark in India and watch your brand thrive like never before. Don’t miss out!

Introduction to Trademarks

A trademark is a symbol, logo, word, or phrase that distinguishes a company’s products or services from others in the market. It serves as a unique identifier of the source of goods or services and plays a crucial role in branding and marketing efforts.

Trademark registration provides legal protection to the owner by preventing unauthorized use of the mark by competitors. In India, trademarks are governed by the Trade Marks Act, 1999.

Trademark Registration Process

Before registering a trademark in India, there are certain eligibility requirements that must be met. The mark should be distinctive, not generic, descriptive, or offensive. It should also not conflict with existing trademarks.

The registration process involves filing an application with the Trademark Registry, conducting a trademark search to ensure the availability of the mark, and responding to any objections raised by the Registry. Once approved, the trademark is published in the Trademarks Journal for public opposition.

Upon successful registration, the trademark owner is granted exclusive rights to use the mark for the goods or services specified in the registration.

Trademark Renewal Process

Trademark renewal is essential to maintain the validity of the registration. In India, trademarks are initially registered for a period of 10 years, after which they must be renewed to continue protection.

The renewal process involves filing an application for renewal along with the prescribed fee before the expiry of the registration. Failure to renew a trademark can result in its removal from the register, leading to loss of rights.

Trademark Transfer Process

Trademark transfer allows the owner to sell or license the rights to the mark to another party. This process can be voluntary, through assignment or licensing agreements, or involuntary, through court orders or bankruptcy.

To transfer a trademark in India, the owner must execute a written agreement with the transferee and apply for registration of the transfer with the Trademark Registry. Once approved, the new owner assumes all rights and responsibilities associated with the mark.

Conducting a trademark search is a crucial step before applying for registration to ensure that the chosen mark is available for use. In India, the Trademark Registry maintains a database of registered and pending trademarks that can be searched online.

A comprehensive search helps identify any conflicting marks that may lead to opposition or rejection of the application. It is advisable to seek the assistance of a trademark attorney or agent to conduct a thorough search and assess the risks involved.

Copyright Registration

While trademarks protect brand names and logos, copyrights protect original works of authorship such as literary, artistic, and musical creations. In India, copyright registration is optional but provides additional legal benefits and evidentiary support in case of disputes.

Trademark Renewal Process in India Requirements Timeline
File Form TM-R for Renewal – Valid trademark registration
– Payment of renewal fees
Within 6 months before expiration
Examination by Trademark Office – Verification of documents
– Consideration of objections
1-2 months
Publication in Trademark Journal – Notice to public
– Opportunity for opposition
2-3 months
Renewal Certificate Issuance – Proof of publication
– No opposition
1-2 months

To register a copyright, the owner must submit an application along with the work to the Copyright Office. Once registered, the owner has exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work.

Design Registration

Design registration protects the visual appearance of a product, including its shape, color, and ornamentation. In India, design registration is governed by the Designs Act, 2000, and provides protection for a period of 10 years, renewable for an additional 5 years.

Registering a design involves filing an application with the Design Office, which conducts an examination to ensure compliance with legal requirements. Once registered, the design owner has the exclusive right to use the design for the specified product.

Patent Registration

Patents protect inventions and grant the owner exclusive rights to produce, use, and sell the invention for a specified period. In India, patents are governed by the Patents Act, 1970, and can be granted for inventions that are new, inventive, and industrially applicable.

The patent registration process involves filing an application with the Patent Office, conducting a substantive examination, and responding to any objections raised. Once granted, the patent provides legal protection for 20 years from the date of filing.

Trademark Management in India

Effective trademark management is essential to protect and leverage the value of a brand. Strategies for managing trademarks in India include regular monitoring for infringements, taking legal action against violators, and renewing registrations on time.

In case of trademark infringement, the owner can file a civil suit for damages and injunctions to stop the unauthorized use of the mark. It is advisable to work with a qualified trademark attorney to navigate legal complexities and ensure proper protection of intellectual property.


In conclusion, trademark registration and management are critical aspects of building a strong brand identity and protecting intellectual property rights in India. By understanding the processes involved and complying with legal requirements, businesses can safeguard their trademarks and leverage them for growth and success.


Try It

Remember to stay informed about changes in trademark laws and regulations, conduct regular audits of your trademark portfolio, and seek professional guidance when needed to maximize the value of your trademarks.

Can I renew my trademark in India?
Yes, trademarks in India must be renewed every 10 years to maintain protection. Failure to renew can result in loss of rights.

How do I transfer my trademark in India?
To transfer a trademark in India, execute a written agreement with the transferee and apply for registration with the Trademark Registry.

Why is trademark registration important in India?
Trademark registration provides legal protection to the owner and prevents unauthorized use of the mark by competitors.

What happens if I don’t renew my trademark in India?
Failure to renew a trademark in India can result in its removal from the register, leading to loss of rights and protection.

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